Carbon Footprint
Ever since the start of the 21st century, I believe the world has become more conscious about the fate of our planet. We have seen common people discussing this topic and even to everyones surprise, Corporates. Every day some or the other news channel talks about this subject. I remember the days when pollution was termed as an output of industrialization and growth and hence more polluted a country's atmosphere, the richer the nation was considered. I do not recollect any instance where it spoke about the Green House gases that these companies and our day to day automobiles spew out.
I remember a learning in biology how important the green house gases were for the well being of our planet and how plants made their food (Photosynthesis) from devouring this carbon and releasing oxygen, the vital gas for our the inhabitants of this beautiful planet. I wonder at times what makes our planet beautiful. When we talk about beautiful cities, the first thing that comes in our mind is the type of development Human species have done to that piece of land. A land where opportunity was given to its human population to grow and to prosper.
Prosper... now thats the word I would like to have an explanation for. What is prosperity?
Is prosperity a way of affording all the good that the world can afford to give us? Is prosperity a way of setting examples by spending more electricity, buying fuel guzzling cars or hoping on a chartered flight to any destination in our planet? This whole concept is so confusing. I'm not a very religious person but I dont think when God said "Live and Prosper" He meant something that we are doing with our planet. Well for a kick, if this planet made up her mind and destroys her inhabitants in a single night, I dont think that concept of god will ever continue. It will be lost with its human population and any other alien species come knocking someday there wont be any specified God that they will know of that would come and welcome them in this planet. Anyways, back to the topic.
Carbon Dioxide or CO2 as we know, is not a villain as portrayed by the leaders of the world... Its a fall guy whom we can blame for our misfortunes. First we have destroyed the very things that consume CO2 (trees) and then we burn them and release the co2 they have stored in their bodies for years. We dig deep and bring the components that store co2 in them and use them for our 'Prosperity'. We breathe and release CO2 with every breathe thats almost 7 Billion people everyday. We have medications that assure that we breathe more and live more. CO2 cannot be the villain... Its a poor gas which takes the brunt of the intelligence species. Its just doing its job which it has been doing universally... trapping heat and making life on earth possible. Its doing its Job perfectly and has not taken time out since the dawn of life. The culprits are the intelligent species that rule this planet. We have got so used to prosperity and all the crap fed to us about development that we forget that the very money that we crave to collect is made of paper and comes from cutting down some tree. I think its a joke when any government makes a financial promise to curb global warming... HA HA HA! Where do you think this paper came from, smart ass? As for the carbon footprint that we leave behind... Some day, some other civilization will dig our grave., they will research our bones and things that we leave behind... and I'm sure we would be termed as the species that brought this planet to the brink of death. I hope we understand the situation and come clean. cause if we don't act now, there wont be a place available where you and me can sit and have a discussion about our planet. Forget the wars we fight amongst ourselves... Let fight a war against the evil that we've done to our planet, maybe she might forgive us and let our species live till the end of time.